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​Guangtian Temple   台中廣天宮財神祖廟

Founder God of Wealth  財神開基老祖 趙公明

The Guangtian Temple enshrines the oldest ancestor, the God of Wealth in Emei, Sichuan. It has a history of more than 1,400 years. Its director is the five-way God of Wealth, Zhonglu God of Wealth, who leads Zhaobao Tianzun Xiao Sheng, Nazhen Tianzun Cao Bao, Fortune Envoy Chen Jiugong, and Lishi Xianguan Yao Shaosi, collectively known as the Five-way God of Wealth. It can drive away thunder and electricity, cause rain and wind, eliminate scorpion, protect sickness and disaster, and give all living beings peace, health and wealth.   廣天宮中殿所供奉之四川峨嵋 財神開基老祖 正尊,距今已有一千四百餘年歷史,為全世界第一座財神爺金身,也是唯一由古代皇帝頒旨雕塑的神像金身。其掌司為五路財神之中路財神,率領招寶天尊蕭升、納珍天尊曹寶、招財使者陳九公、利市仙官姚少司,合稱五路財神。能驅雷役電、致雨呼風、除殟剪崇、保病禳災,可賜眾生平安、健康、發財。

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